Birth Date
Age at the Date of
Welcome to our Age Calculator, a simple and accurate tool designed to help you calculate your exact age in years, months, days, hours, and even minutes! Whether you're curious about your own age, need to calculate an age for official documents, or want to know how old someone is, our user-friendly calculator is here to help.
Instant Results:
Enter your birthdate, and our tool will calculate your age in a split second.
Accurate & Detailed:
Get precise results, including the number of days and months.
Easy to Use:
No technical skills required. Just input your date of birth, and you’re all set!
Free & Online:
Our age calculator is completely free and accessible from anywhere, any time.
Date Range Flexibility:
Calculate age from any past date to any current or future date.
Multi-Platform Access:
Use our calculator on desktop, mobile, or tablet devices.
No Download Required:
Works entirely in your browser with no installation needed.
Input your date of birth.
Select the current date or any future/past date for age calculation.
Calculate your age for school, college, or job applications.
Know how old someone is for birthday preparations.
Track milestones like anniversaries, friendships, or special events.